The Ultimate Sports Guide — Fall/Winter Football Edition and Spring/Summer Baseball Edition
- Biannual, four-color, on glossy stock
- 7.75" x 10.5". 20,000 press run
- 116 pages
Each edition provides editoral coverage of local professional and collegiate teams (San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, Golden State Warriors, San Francisco Giants, Oakland A's, San Jose Sharks, San Jose Earthquakes, San Jose Barracudas, Cal Bears, Stanford Cardinal, San Jose State Spartans, Saint Mary's Gaels, Santa Clara Broncos, USF Dons, etc.,) and a listing of 400 sports bars, restaurants and brew pubs, with descriptive information. MLB and NFL directories appear in their respective issues and much more.
The Ultimate Sports Guide has been described as the San Francisco Bay Area's own Sports Illustrated.
20,000 copies distributed through
- San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders, Oakland A's and San Francisco Giants home games
- 400 sports bars, restaurants and brew pubs
- Golf tournament tee prizes
- Advertisers' complimentary copies
- Mailed to the owners and executives of local sports teams, sports departments of local radio and TV stations and newspapers.
Display Rates
- Basic Listing for bars (basic information) - $25
- Listing for sports bars (includes photo and text) - $100
- Business Card - $200
- Quarter Page - $400
- Half Page - $650
- Full Page - $1,200
- Page Three - $1,800
- Inside Front Cover - $2,500
- Inside Back Cover - $2,000
- Back Cover - $3,000
Sports Bar/ Restaurant Participation
Sports bars, restaurants and brew pubs of Northern California are invited to participate. Your listing includes the name, address and amenities offered by your establishment and can include your logo and description. A one-time nominal fee is charged and participating establishments receive complimentary copies.
Sports Bar/ Restaurant Rates Basic Listing - $25 per issue
- Establishment name, address and phone
- List of services provided
- Slogan (optional)
Expanded Listing for Sports Bars (photo/logo plus text) - $100 for one issue or $150 for two
- Logo
- 70-word description
- Establishment name, address and phone in 12 pt. type
- List of services provided
- Slogan
2018 Spring/Summer Baseball Edition
- Editorial deadline: Friday, March 16
- Ad deadline: Friday, March 9
- Release date: Wednesday, April 18